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Brian in PA 09-28-2010 04:18 PM

Re: Age limit
Well I can speak for everyone here on this board by saying that the time and money one spends on these trucks should be enough for others to be careful around them. Unless you have no respect at all for anyone's stuff could you have the kind of attitude to say "park the trucks or wrap them up in bubble wrap". I'm afraid that this is the wrong attitude or mentality to have in this hobby. If you dont care about your own belongings that is fine, but show others, that have pride in their rides some respect and courtesy! If this kinda of respect isn't shown you might as well be person that would take their kids to a classic car show or truck show and let them finger up the vehicles and climb all over them! Remember, someone had to work hard for what they have, myself included! The last thing I want is a demolition derby at a show because of lack of maturity.


justinart24 09-28-2010 04:35 PM

Re: Age limit
I couldn't imagine if someone hit one of my truck and d a m aged something. I would be super pissed. I am not in a MiniTrucking club or anything, but I would think there should at least be some kind of rules or guidelines setup to minimized any possible d a m ages or any type of altercations.

Thorsteenster 09-28-2010 04:50 PM

Re: Age limit
Sundance must drive one of these.....

Brian in PA 09-28-2010 05:00 PM

Re: Age limit
:eek::eek::eek:Ha Now thats funny!

ihbuilder 09-28-2010 06:02 PM

Re: Age limit
my guess is , will be having smoke bears hiding under the bridge next :eek: (just so they're taking pics and handin tickets ) don't need no safety checks :p. all we need is common curtisy just like on the real road . I.e. safe follow distance , stop at intersections and speed limits (no faster than the slowest truck :p ) For the fast 1's hehheh my wrecker will take care of them :D:p:eek:


Roadmasters 09-28-2010 08:42 PM

Re: Age limit

Originally Posted by ihbuilder (Post 7318)
For the fast 1's hehheh my wrecker will take care of them :D:p:eek:


Make shure you dont hit the truck with the boom!!! lol :D

Ive been hit by a speeding driver, he was an offspring/nefew of someone in this conversation. And the same person drove a knight off the bridge at a meet, u guys remember that?

fhhhstix 09-28-2010 09:12 PM

Re: Age limit

Originally Posted by Brian in PA (Post 7311)
Well I can speak for everyone here on this board by saying that the time and money one spends on these trucks should be enough for others to be careful around them. Unless you have no respect at all for anyone's stuff could you have the kind of attitude to say "park the trucks or wrap them up in bubble wrap". I'm afraid that this is the wrong attitude or mentality to have in this hobby. If you dont care about your own belongings that is fine, but show others, that have pride in their rides some respect and courtesy! If this kinda of respect isn't shown you might as well be person that would take their kids to a classic car show or truck show and let them finger up the vehicles and climb all over them! Remember, someone had to work hard for what they have, myself included! The last thing I want is a demolition derby at a show because of lack of maturity.


Well said Brian I wanted to reply but I didn't think I could do it in a diplomatic manor so I didn't. I had a guy this spring at a GTG that cought my matalic Knights bumper and bent it I watched him hit it and when I said somthing to him he looked me in the eye and lied and said he didn't do it.:mad:


ihbuilder 09-28-2010 09:20 PM

Re: Age limit

Originally Posted by Roadmasters (Post 7344)
Make shure you dont hit the truck with the boom!!! lol :D

Ive been hit by a speeding driver, he was an offspring/nefew of someone in this conversation. And the same person drove a knight off the bridge at a meet, u guys remember that?

nah just drop a net from the boom :D

I guess he aint getin his lic. anytime soon

firefighter30 09-29-2010 08:12 AM

Re: Age limit
just have to remember that accidents do happen. at our last couple of meets we had 25 or 30 members show up and that is a lot of trucks driving around with limited space. yes everyone should be careful and respect others property but things do happen and people should own up to any ***age they do to somebody else's truck. I think everybody is careful and respectful of others property and if you see someone out of control talk to them and let them know to slow down and be careful.

Bigrigger 10-01-2010 12:46 PM

Re: Age limit
If I ever get to one of your meets, I'll be going half a mile an hour! I'll get pulled over for going to slow.:D

Bodyman 10-02-2010 05:05 PM

Re: Age limit
how bout putting a deposit down to drive. if you dont cause any ***age to anothers
truck you get it back. i just dont like paying to fix up my stuff when someone else
wrecks it.

ihbuilder 10-02-2010 06:19 PM

Re: Age limit

Originally Posted by Bodyman (Post 7613)
how bout putting a deposit down to drive. if you dont cause any ***age to anothers
truck you get it back. i just dont like paying to fix up my stuff when someone else
wrecks it.

something like mini truck Insurance :p

fhhhstix 10-02-2010 09:35 PM

Re: Age limit
At the gtg's fender benders don't and should not just happen. If you have problems such as glitching take it to the pit it is not going to fix its self. If you are a first time driver stay out of the city and go to a corner of the room and practice before you join the others driving in the city.

I take pride in what I have built and take care of it as well. Some of these guys have bought there trucks RTR and have no idea of what it takes to build a custom truck.

Here are just a couple of suggestions for common courtesy.

Don’t follow right behind another truck going up a ramp if he doesn’t make it and backs up or slides back unexpectedly you will have no reason to complain that he hit you .

This one is dedicated to the bridge.
If a truck is dumping on the bridge (for those of you without a dump truck or trailer that is what the grate in the bridge is for) don’t try to squeeze by and have a possibility of hitting the dumper and possibly tipping it over. Don’t ***** because the dumpers have the bridge blocked do a lap around the city and come back when they are done.

Loading pit let the person who is getting loaded finish before you pull in the way of the loader or the truck being loaded.

Speeding around the city also pertains to other rc vehicles as well as semi’s, just don’t do it if you have no control of your fingers and can’t help but using full throttle every time you pick up a radio then put it away and be a spectator.

Finally go to a gtg have fun, meet some nice people and use some common since.


ihbuilder 10-02-2010 10:46 PM

Re: Age limit
Quoted from travis

"Loading pit let the person who is getting loaded finish before you pull in the way of the loader or the truck being loaded."

try that in a real pit :eek::eek::eek::eek:you'll not only hear it you'll feel it in the azz .


Brian in PA 10-02-2010 11:19 PM

Re: Age limit

Originally Posted by ihbuilder (Post 7646)
Quoted from travis

"Loading pit let the person who is getting loaded finish before you pull in the way of the loader or the truck being loaded."

try that in a real pit :eek::eek::eek::eek:you'll not only hear it you'll feel it in the azz .


Ya that one there is also common sense, for I have involved with actual pit activity too, and have seen this done the wrong way. It get annoying and dangerous!


9W Monighan 10-02-2010 11:33 PM

Re: Age limit
Don't let me load anybody unless you want your sideboards dented or knocked off and dirt poured on your cab :p Ask SmallHaul:D:o:o That may have fixed it's self with the new radio though:)
:Beware: The night shift operators at our pit drive impaired and don't need no stinking lights:p:p:p:p:p:p

Aside from that, as far as age, I taught my kid when he was 4 to operate his minidozer and I caught alot of static at other shows we went to from the officials but he always proved to be a very responsible driver.

ihbuilder 10-02-2010 11:53 PM

Re: Age limit
I went to a State Equipment (IH/Dresser Dealer ) equipment demo I got on a TD25 and started grading .that went fine till some elder zaelot complained that a "kid" was running a piece of equipment ( better then he ). Well when I got to get on the 200 loader ( Dressers only rear eng track loader) they said no your to young :mad: so I still didn't get on one , so I settled for a 953 and a 963 no biggy I'll take a blade or an excavator any day . I was operating equip. before I could drive started @ 5 on a 350 deer john need to bring home an fix for the next day every night loader


aussierolla 10-03-2010 12:41 AM

Re: Age limit
hi guys i just drive my truck at home but sounds like you guys just need to come up with road rules and have every body obay them or they just sit the rest meet out . these are just my views but if i ever went and drove with any of the guys here in aus i would drive like i do on the road which is just use common sence . once again these are just my view and i hope i havent offended anyone.

steamer 10-03-2010 02:47 PM

Re: Age limit
Looks like you guys need to hire a couple of Diesel Bears, to straighten this problem out.

BigZracingRC 10-09-2010 01:11 PM

Re: Age limit

Originally Posted by tc1cat (Post 5987)
There was one young man at Indy who drove anothers truck on Sat. that did a much better job of driving than a lot of the 'older' people. Granted he was driving someone elses truck but he knew how to drive the truck. He knew more about some of the trucks than I did. Why? He spent a lot of time on the forums! Age is no indication as to how a person drives. Practice is the only way to know how you should drive a truck- just like real ones. This young man also races r/c cars so he has had lots of practice at driving. While I do not like walking behind a truck, it is sometimes necessay when you can not see your truck due to building and other scenery on the layout. This was talked about after last years Indy meet and again before this year. Until we can make a layout that you can see your vehicle from any spot around the outside of the layout, there will always be someone walking behind their truck. When battling r/c tanks or racing r/c cars and trucks, you are not alloyed to walk behing your vehicle. While battling r/c tanks, you can move around the battlefield as there are blind spots but you can not get on the battlefield. You drive your r/c cars and trucks from a fixed postion while racing them.
One last point, Driving a truck fast is not a prerequisit for good driving. I agree with Chris on this point. Many of us stopped running our trucks when others decided to make the layout a race track. Way too much time, money and effort have gone into our trucks for them to be used as bumper cars.
OK my rant on this subject is over.


Hey! that was me! :p haha thanks! and guys i totally agree with watching the youngins! I used to demolish my rc cars, so it is a maturity thing! thanks tc1cat and keep on truckin' you youngin's! haha im only 16

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