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Old 01-13-2016, 09:55 PM
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RCP57 RCP57 is offline
Big Dawg On The Bone
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Vancouver Island
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Default Re: done a bad thing

Where has our world gone so wrong. We all just keep chasing our tails trying to make more and every time we do everything costs more. Maybe we need a reset back to when people made very little and were happy having less? Yeah, you're right. F that! I like toys!

Hard to say what a current model Civic might be worth in a few decades. I guess if you have one of the original cars now they are worth a fair penny considering they weren't cool to own back It's like anything, you just have to find a few eccentric rich people that think something is cool and then all us other sheep follow... I hear stuff made by RCP's is amazing and everyone needs some.
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