automotive paint from automotive parts stores is a good durable have to watch some paints are not compatible and some of the clear made by the same company could have been mixed bad at the factory or it could have been frozen at one point and thawed which would explain why it did not fully cure since it could have been loaded with water .i use Tamiya Paint and primer on most of my trucks ..they have some funky cool colours...i also let 24 hrs dry time between coats ,not to step on anybody and their advice with automotive paint because it is very good paint to use but be careful..try to stick to reputible places to get it mixed ..a friend of mine got that done once and whatever they put ion the paint damaged the plastic body of his model ...they put something in the paint to adhere to metal which reacted with his plastic body ruined it ..sorry to be long winded ,whatever you do it will be great ..looking forward to it