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Old 06-14-2016, 02:41 AM
alaskantoy alaskantoy is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
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alaskantoy is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Eagle 4200XL excavator - track motors upgrade kit (updated 26'th April 2016)

In the middle of installing mine...... SO I have the "2.0" kit. They built in a compression spring into the idler unit so you don't have to break down the track. I cheated and just unbolted the motor and pulled some slack into the track. Sadly less them 10 feet on the original motors and all had cold solders. One wire completely broken and just resting on the lead and one has a slice in the casing from being pulled thru the small slots for the wires( something everyone needs to watch out for as they are sharp). At this point 10 feet maybe 5 minutes of hydro run time and ive swapped out the track motors, received a new hydraulic tank as mine has metal threading floating inside, new hydro lines as mine are short and a new radio system...... One day ill get to use it. Good luck all
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