Thread: RC Benchy
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Old 04-08-2022, 10:21 AM
ddmckee54 ddmckee54 is offline
Green Horn
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Default Re: RC Benchy

I haven't been able to find a Cap'n Crunch figure in an STL file, licensed trademark and all that. I did find the STL files for Mario on Thingiverse though. Why I can find Mario, and not the Cap'n I don't know.

Mario's supposed to be 11cm tall, which I thought was about right. I downloaded the files and printed out a couple of the major components. I think at the 100% size he's going to be too small. I'm going to print out enough parts at this size to determine if, and how much, I need to scale him up. I've still got to print out the shoes, the neck area, and the hat. Then I can glue him together and know for sure if he needs to be scaled up.

The files are split up so that you can print them in the correct color of plastic to get a realistic Mario - how's that for an oxymoron? I don't have the flesh color, or the brown, and I'm not going to buy a roll of each for just this one print. I'll just print the parts in one color and then paint them the correct color.

He LOOKS pretty good, I've just got one gripe about this model on Thingiverse. The "Download All Files" button doesn't, it just takes you to the files page where you wind up downloading each file individually. There's a LOT of parts to this guy, 35 of them, to be able to print him multicolored - kudos to the designer.

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