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Old 02-10-2024, 06:36 PM
Zabco Zabco is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Ohio
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Default Re: 1/10 caterpillar 140h motor grader 3d printed

Originally Posted by ddmckee54 View Post
What are you using for your CAD? I'm looking for something that isn't a subscription.
You might be interested in Atom 3D by Alibre. I'm with you on wanting to own my software and I hate these 'cloud' based programs. I've been using Atom 3D for over a decade now and really like it. Once you buy it, you own it. This includes any upgrades for a year that they may put out. If the year has expired and you want to install an upgrade it's only $50 for another year. But you don't have to upgrade if you don't want, the program is still yours and keeps working. The program is currently selling for $199 but they have a 20% off deal going through the end of this month. Atom is not as full featured as their 'pro' and 'expert' programs but they are much more expensive and subscription based. The only thing really lacking in Atom that I wished it had is sheet metal layout. But I still remember enough of my high school drafting class to be able to manually layout the work I need.
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