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Old 04-18-2011, 01:06 AM
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deereboy3020 deereboy3020 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Magnolia, Texas
Posts: 5
deereboy3020 is on a distinguished road
Default Hey Y'all From Texas

My name is Daniel Schibel {deereboy3020} from Magnolia, Texas about 40 miles due north of Houston. I am a retarted...I mean retired machinist/toolmaker and built my own little shop out back on our 1/2 acre property with a small lathe, milling machine with all the trimmings.
I have been collecting mostly 1/16th scale farm toys and trucks for about 15 years. I haven't done any RC rigs {yet} but will be heading up an investigation on how it's done. I make farm toy parts for a dealer up in Kansas..tractor rims,mufflers,air cleaners, truck rims and whatever allows me to keep the fridge stocked up and shingles on the roof....As of late, this is my fool time, I mean full time job besides being a local handy man.
I was able to look around the site a bit and found a lot of incredible builds and well, some not so....I consider myself {and others have told me} a very opinionated kinda guy...Sometimes my mouth gets me in trouble....I like to tell it like it is without hurt feelings and, I would expect the same..Sooooo having said all that...Thank Y'all for allowing me ta sit a spell an git ma feet wet. {that's Texas slang}....Daniel
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