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Old 10-16-2011, 04:37 AM
JensR JensR is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Bath, UK
Posts: 176
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Default Re: CAT Grader in 1:14 with M-Series controls


You are right about the lurching.
I did have Dual/Rate programmed. (That's the red button in my earlier video of the controls.)
However, for whatever reason, I cannot get the ESC to behave. This means if I get proper D/R in forward, I hardly get any speed in reverse.
Not sure what is happening here. So I disabled it for the moment.

For realism, the steering speed is also too high. I cannot change this on my current radio, though. Might put it in one of those Turnigy servo-delays.

The viewing angle as the end is done by me - I'm sitting on the ground and driving the grader with my left and aiming (more or less) the camera with my right.


Last edited by JensR; 01-07-2012 at 08:22 PM. Reason: spelling :(
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