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Old 11-14-2011, 01:00 AM
WhiteWolf McBride WhiteWolf McBride is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 209
WhiteWolf McBride is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Water Pump? Help

Get one of the 6v/12v fuel pumps. I bought one and tested it, and when ya get down to the nozzle, it sends a nasty long spray even at 6v. I canna remember the brand at the mo, but the casing was yellow and a long rectangle. Ran about $10.

If ya want, I'll try to dig her out, and if it helps, see if I can get some video of the wee beastie sending out a stream. I'll even open the casing to let ya see how she could be miniaturised.

I wish I could lay my hands on the ones Robbe used to send out with their Water monitors... it was a wee unit, barely bigger than 540 motor, and was a gearpump, but it is ~nice~. I'd buy a dozen if I could find a hoarde. It was initially made by Thunder Tiger, but they have no records of it, and Robbe is out. I can post a pic of her as well, and video too.

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