Thread: Custom Kenworth
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Old 12-04-2012, 09:02 AM
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Default Re: Custom Kenworth

Originally Posted by Espeefan View Post
Looks nice Aaron. Do you have to run your pump in reverse to draw the cylinder back down? What kind of pump are you running? One of those USDM ones?
It'll self lower down stage 5,4 when it gets to stage 3 you do need to run the pump reverse but not very much. even going up i barely need to give the pump much juice until that 4th stage then i rev it up a hair and it'll lift the final 2 stages. I am running the same pump that ED in St louis uses on all his trucks, so i belive that it is the USDM pump its a really nice pump i like it. It was a little loud at first but then i worked the last of the air bubbles out and then it was pretty silent. I also realized that with this pump it doesnt really matter how how up you throttle it the cylinder will still lift the same speed for the most part so i was only giving it maybe 10-15% input throttle to lift the box. Pretty impressive. Now with a little more weight i was more in the 10-20% range throttle input. which still is no biggie. Also this was just bench testing with the pump on the bench not in a housing that would actually silence it more. From what i could tell the lift angles look just about right but im waiting for some of the hydrolic experts to chime in here to tell me differently...... This cylinder is really really nice!!! Smooth lifting and you can tell its good quality, but then again Scale Art did make it and ive never heard anything bad about them or their products yet.
Hi my name is Aaron.... And i'm a truckaholic!
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