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Old 02-05-2013, 05:01 AM
kingbob kingbob is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 399
kingbob is on a distinguished road
Default Paint seams when masking

Hi guys

I'm painting a rather complex flame design at the moment, and have just done one of the complex layers over the basecoat. The base is a dark blue, and the second coat red, so i laid down a silver first, then the red.

I've now removed all the masking, but have found i've got a raised ridge/line where the paint was masked. If i sand it down, i'll get the silver showing through, and damage the base colour. Obviously i've painted too thick a coat, but how to fix it?

Short of stripping the whole **** thing, i dont know what to do about the raised line. Its got to be a common problem, but i dont know what to do about it.

Throw a clear gloss over the whole thing and hope it works to level it?
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