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Old 02-16-2013, 02:57 AM
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Mama Sue Mama Sue is offline
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Location: Sault Ste Marie, On, Can
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Mama Sue is on a distinguished road
Default Re: WT* is wrong with people

As a school bus driver I was trained to handle situations that arise on my bus. Most teachers back us if we have an issue. It's the parents who don't. We can talk to the kids, explain why it's wrong, and give a consequence-lines, a seat at the front of the bus, or suspension(this needs the principals' support)etc, then enforce it. The parents think we are centering out their child, want us to make exceptions for their children, cuz you know little johnny is really an parents taught us right from wrong, morals, and punished us if we did wrong..We had groups as RCT mentioned. We were accountable for our actions. We were taught that to earn a good days wage you had to work a good days work...Society is failing in all of those areas. And it's usually the good people who get robbed, violated and have to replace the stuff they worked so hard to get. So sorry you were one of those...
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