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Old 02-27-2013, 12:58 PM
WhiteWolf McBride WhiteWolf McBride is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
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Default Re: Need Leasons about Axle Types


One of my contacts over in the Blizzard forum suggested (and tried) a semi-locked option... and how. And NOT with one of those cable-locking systems that inflate the price of the axle at least 50%...

Old way was to fill the pumpkin with epoxy or JB, right? Wasteful and overkill. But what if you filled it with something VERY thick (viscous), but not ~solid~. Like packing grease. If my memory serves me right, for some reason 10,000 weight was what he used. I can try to see if I can still access the forum... or contact him. (forum was 'MakingTrax')

The Kyosho Blizzard used a diff between the tracks (pretty sure it was recycled from one of their trucks) and you braked one side or the other to turn it. The super-thick grease effectively locked the diff up unless you braked the track, forcing the thick grease to give.

Its an option. And seeing that you'll be in the water, probably a rather worthwhile one.


PS: everyone has the Robbe-to-Tamiya axle adapters, to use Panther tires on Tamiya axles, but there are none for the other way around! I think I may havta ask one of you guys to make me a set!

Last edited by WhiteWolf McBride; 02-27-2013 at 01:05 PM.
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