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Old 03-17-2013, 05:43 AM
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JDH429 JDH429 is offline
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Default Re: 3D printing KH Body Attempt

Tracks, thats a great resource, never knew about the Vector Drawings. Thanks for the help. Ill look more into those. The support material on the doors? i used Afinia ABS and it is more brittle which makes it much easier to remove..sorta snaps aparts without alot of stress on the part. That and a paint scraper.

Mario, thank you. The first body was a great prototype and helped quite a bit to work out some issues i wasnt sure about.

Pugs, I know..and im not scaling every detail, wanted to sorta make it" my own" design. Kinda like If i were to design a real Kenworth..what do i want in the design..Like the split window, the sloped roof on a w900, when i think that only comes on the 900L...Some aspects of my design are less true to prototypical units than others and i found that what the design looks like on the screen and what actually prints are two different things. Ex, the grill on the screen looks taller than it is wide, but in reality the actual print is more knowing that i want to get the "general shape" more correct, which i feel alot more confident after reading all the great support from you guys, and after printing this next one ill prob make more changes based on what i like or dont. Its a process i guess. But thanks for the suggestions, i appreciate your help.

Bigrig, Thank you!

Dabomb, thanks

SP, lol..with a sledgehammer..Ok i know i have a better design now. Thanks!
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