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Old 05-31-2013, 09:10 PM
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Rvjimd Rvjimd is offline
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Default Re: Clamshell Bucket Build

I took a close look at the clam on the bench. The closer line up to the shackle was a bit too short and was limiting the the amount of opening, so I fixed that. Then, I noticed a slight interference issue at the top hinge point of the A arms at the top pivot. The outside bars where colliding with the inner set like a scissors so I rounded them down and took care of that.

If I could figure out how to clutch the rope drums so I could drop the bucket, even a little, it would take care of it.

After the two fixes that I made I tried it again and got lucky on a hump of sand. The bucket set down in the sand with the center pivot resting in the sand. It closed up nice and was to heavy to lift!

The next two scoops caught a rock in the side, holding it open so much that the sand just poured out as I hoisted.

I'm gona work with it a bit more and see how it goes.

Thanks for the tips.

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