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Old 11-12-2013, 02:56 PM
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Berman Berman is offline
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Default Re: Anyone else using the new Futaba 4YWD?

Haha thanks Acadieman B)

Well an update. Futaba Japan, emailed me back and it seems there was a problem with the receivers in the first batch and promptly sent me out a replacement with bonus 5x stickers Via EMS! B)

I had it in my tank and it was fine like the faulty one. But I have only just got around to putting it in my MAN TGX and it works flawlessly with all functions as per manual using the trims like the AM sets and fantastic range with no glitching.

So I would now certainly recommend this radio as a fantastic good priced entry 2.4 that works like it should and with the bigger ratchet in the trims center makes it a heap easier to return to the middle.

I will now be buying two more of these sets to replace the aging 27mhz 4vwds that my trucks currently run on for trouble (and stress) free operation
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