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Old 02-28-2012, 10:23 AM
Stefan Stefan is offline
Green Horn
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Default Re: Volvo G990 Grader

Thanks for the comments guys!

@ Espeefan & JensR: Yes, as 9W Monighan said, the real one is mostly plates, and since there is in any case quite enough work to be done, I decided to have most of the plates cut in a laser cutting shop. But some parts, like the hose bundling plate, I did myself What to do yourself is of course a trade-off question between time, money, difficulty and fun, but in the case of the plates, everything speaks for having them done. I´ll give you an example, for the moldboard slide guide I´ll need four stainless strips (for the two models I´m building) 487 mm x 9 mm x 1,5 mm (about 19” x 11/32” x 1/16”). Not a big deal, but also not much fun and only four bucks apiece from the cutting shop...

Even by the size of my model there are several small-strain-to-area-ratio parts for which gluing will be quite sufficient.

@ Vanisle: Someone in this thread said that the tab concept is used on some of the real machines, too. And yes, I reckon it´s much faster for a given accuracy (at least the one I want), in particular when you take advantage of the inherent accuracy of laser cutting. Just think of it - once the parts are made you can put them correctly together almost blindfolded.

Regarding the time to completion I´m sorry: What you see started almost five years ago and is surely bound to take another five, if not more (but positively seen, I´ve saved you five long years )

And here´s the hose bundling plate (never shown to anyone, anywhere before ). It´s used at the waist of the machine.

Last edited by Stefan; 11-05-2017 at 11:15 AM. Reason: Link repair
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