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Old 01-31-2013, 05:13 PM
Acadieman Acadieman is offline
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Red face Re: Stupid mfu that keeps shutting down

Originally Posted by rc_farmer View Post
To get your blinkers to work properly, you may have to do a couple of things:

1. adjust the position of your knuckle-rod on your servo horn.....
the blinking function will work at a mininum EPA setting, i.e 80% and above....this may vary slightly with radio brand. Having said that, if your servo rod is farther out to the end, you may get over-throw before your blinking function will work, thus binding your servo.

2. once you get you mechanics set, you can then adjust yoiur End Points to the desired throw all the way to 150% or as far as your servo will travel w/o binding.
How do I know if the servo is binding?
I moved the knuckle rod inward on the servo horn. I played a bit with the EPA settings for the steering (cha 1) and the option channel (ch 2 for my case). I also adjusted the D/R on ch 2 until I got the channel to work at switching the light functions while maintaining the high beam and horn function.
I assume I'm close, as for every ten times I try the blinkers, they work.
I also cranked the EPA on the streering to 140% to get more streering angle. Should I bring it back down and concentrate on ch 2 functions until I get the blinkers to work every time?
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