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Old 02-17-2015, 02:21 AM
kingbob kingbob is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 399
kingbob is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Are Any of Our Talented Builders Looking to Do Builds for Customers?

I'd consider it, i enjoy the building, but after that things tend to just sit on the shelf and gather dust.

But, the problem is the people asking for them, arent thinking about the work that goes into them. My Optimus Prime truck and trailer, i probably spent maybe 100 hours working on it over 18 months. Admittedly a lot was trial and error, and rebuilding etc, i'm not a speed builder like Joe. 100 hours may not sound like a lot, but if you think about it in terms of an hourly rate, even $20/hr, thats $2k. Add in the cost of the kit, and upgrades, you could easily exceed $3-3.5k

When its for ourselves, as a hobby, the time doesnt matter, but for someone else as a paid job, it needs to be worth it, and thats a **** of a lot for someone to shell out for a build.
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