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Old 07-15-2015, 11:12 AM
hammer hammer is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 246
hammer is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Criticizing peoples builds

Ok ok I havent been on in some time and see I have missed a few things lol. I joined this hobby about 5 years ago with a friend of mine and at first was thrilled but as time went on we noticed alot of petty B.S. and jealiousy towards certain people and their builds. I for one build what I want and how I want it done. I dont post picks of any of my builds because people feel they have the right to bash people. It is a shame that as grown men and women who should know better and should be setting an example for the younger crowd are acting like little Fu@#ing Kids.....For those of you who have nothing nice to say about the builds you see and feel the need to bash for no reason I got something for you.
You are nothing but a lonely pathetic Azz@#le who has no life and should take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror you piece of crap. I will be at Indy this year if you want to continue this in person. I am tired of reading negative things lately it is a shame.....

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