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Old 12-10-2016, 09:01 PM
avel avel is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Kalispell, Montana
Posts: 228
avel is on a distinguished road
Default Re: LR634 is HERE!!!!! Tracked loader

Yesterday I was motivated enough to work on the loader some more. I started by rearranging the battery and all the electronics to be as hidden as possible from view. I stacked the Sabertooth2x12 in the rear with the receiver on top of it. I am just going to go with the one 3S 8Ah battery. I laid it flat down and covered the whole battery with some foam packing material. Then I hotglued small pieces of velcro so that everything would stay together.

I also hotglued in a mesh material over the fan to prevent any wiring from being chewed up in the fan blades. The metal mesh came from a cooking oil spatter guard. The mesh was actually very soft. I taped a paper template on it and cut around it to the rough shape. Then I just pressed down with a used Xacto blade and it cut right through. Popped it in place, reheated the old hot glue with a soldering gun and applied more hot glue around the edges to make sure nothing sharp was exposed.

After the mesh was installed I went back and tried to reduce the wiring clutter. I soldered together a new, more compact, connector/s thingy. It's ugly but it'll do for now. I need a terminal block and some solid wire, that would look a lot cleaner.

Also spent some time messing around with the radio and trying to relearn how to use it.

Youtube username iamaman27
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