Thread: Liebherr R944C
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Old 01-13-2011, 10:49 AM
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Default Re: Liebherr R944C

Originally Posted by elliot330 View Post
Excellent - time for a service, at least you can have it up and running for the summer!

Slightly off topic... the wheel loader in the back ground, do you have any other info on it?

@Elliot: I hope I´ll have it done till summer. As always way to much projects for constantly less free time. The loader is a Liebherr L550, at least the prototype in PS. You can see the first parts of the tail-frame in brass. If requested I can post some pics, but what you see has been lying there for almost a year. The styrene is already becoming yellow ...

Lots of projects on your workbench Ulrich, will you be ready for the springtime shows? How many shows do you attend in a yr? Do any landscaping in your backyard?

Who's the maker of your hyd parts? What size tubing are you using? What is the volume of your pump?
@Joe: Thanks. Last year it´s been one event, so it only can get better. Still no backyard, so no landscaping there. Maybe at the end of the year... As I´ve always wrote, I do envy your playground.

The cyls are from Martin Kampshoff, some parts as the tank are from me. The valves as always from Ulrich Meinhardt. The pump is a Jung 4xxx? (gotta look that up) The tubes are 4/2,7mm on the main cyls, 3/1,5mm on the secondary system and between pump/tank/valves it´s all 5/3mm.

@Stuff: the sticker says "playsafe", so it kinda matches. If it´s not ready to play you can´t get hurt. lol.
As I wrote there´s no time to finish the loader, as well as the 904, 954,...

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