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Old 02-21-2014, 12:55 PM
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Default Re: Limit switch wiring help

Originally Posted by dmess62 View Post
Mario, so do you just solder connectors on the ends of wire to plug in to esc or does it run off a seperate channel. And correct me here but this esc is not the main one you run the truck off of. You need seperate one.
If so how do you connect the dump esc to main esc
Hey Dave. Your right, you need a separate ESC to run the box function. I found a cheap china one on ebay for 10 bucks. 10 amp I think.
Use whatever style connector you prefer to hook up to the ESC .
I connect that ESC to the radio channel for right stick up down or elevator.
The only connection between the main ESC ( drive for the truck) and the one for the box is main power supply from the battery. I soldered both power wires together and installed a battery style plug to fit the ones I use .

There is another option rather than using a ESC. Raising and lowering a box can be a on or off type function. You could use a relay of some sort and trigger with a toggle switch or something from the radio.
I'm just learning about stuff like pico switches and it was just easier and quicker for me to use the horn and fifth wheel function seeing as a dump truck has no fifth and I don't care about the horn. Using the ESC I can raise the box full speed or just a little or anything in between.
It's all about personal preference and space available, cash flow. That's another thing that makes all our builds so unique. So many ways to do a variety of things.

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