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Old 05-15-2014, 11:10 AM
mavrick0 mavrick0 is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Cambridge, ON
Posts: 195
mavrick0 is on a distinguished road
Default Re: My Cascadia build.


So just a quick update. Here's a pic of the items that came in today.

I had to get a set of more scale tires for what you'd see up here. The stock Tamiya are fine if the truck was running down in So Cal or Arizona where they don't get snow but for everywhere else that has to deal with the bad weather these are what you'd see more of. I'll be keeping the stock tires on the front of the semi as they are closer to a normal steer tire.

So trying to make this look as scale as I can I had to go with a set of these drive shafts. Not overly thrilled that the short one is silver since it was black in the pics when I ordered it but we'll see what the eBay seller does to resolve the issue. But they do look great and I love the wrench that comes with the long drive shaft for tightening down the nuts.

Now to start installing them and do a little more work to the frame and wiring.
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