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Old 12-11-2014, 11:30 PM
Varley73 Varley73 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 6
Varley73 is on a distinguished road
Default G'Day from West Aus

Hey guys, name is Brent and have been in the rc scene for just over 6 months. I stumbled upon RC trucks a month or so ago and love them. Currently my only experience with RC is through an Axial Wraith kit I put together. Loved the experience, guess I'm a bit of a tinkerer. Outside RC I race dirt speedway at my local track, have done for 10 years now. Anyway I have a question. I'm looking to a good quality, not super expensive truck kit (prime mover) have had a look at the king hauler and was curious how detailed the kit is, dose the bonnet open? If not dose anybody know of a kit that dose? Any help would be awesome. I enjoy the kits much more than buying one ready to drive because i think I gain awesome experience building them. Plus it's a lot of fun :P
Anyway, any help would be much appreciated.
Thankyou, Brent
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