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Old 12-24-2015, 06:07 AM
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Default Re: Should I fuse a Sabertooth 2x5 ESC.

Pictures speak clearer than words...

I don't run any fuses in any models & the one pictured above has 6esc's under the hood.

Are you connecting all your esc's to a bus bar to power them?

Every bared wired you strip, do you solder the ends so there's absolutely zero chance of a single strand of a frayed wire going into a Sabertooth to create a cross polarity?!... that'd be my immediate determination of what happened to you.

It's grounding out somewhere... do you have a wire or a shrink tube covering that you might have nicked with the soldering iron causing an exposed wire?

Maybe you had a bad DE Sabertooth... won't know till you try another one... but 1st, triple check every wire - every connection.

I've never powered up a Sabertooth with the rx leads not connected... don't know what might happen, if anything bad could happen ...might the Sabertooth configure center point wrong & cause linear motors stall at end of travel? Are your Firgelli actuators in the center of their travel?

These Dimension Engineering Sabertooths have a built in thermal protection, meaning if you work the esc too hard & overheat it; it will timeout, cool off & work again. If you cross polarity the + - or ground out, they're smoked!!!
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