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Old 04-18-2017, 01:51 AM
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Default Re: Logging & Construction Equipment

we had the dozer pushing for a bit Joe and the material was still a bit too wet and bunching in front ..when ejecting it would sometimes pack in front and not totally come out sure if it dried out some it would work much much better ..we were loading on its own for a while and were coming up with near full bowls with about a 1 minute turn around ..takes a bit to get use to it ..greg pretty much nailed it rigt away and after about 5 -6 passes i was getting better at it .I had blown a hydraulic hose at the indoor CR show so i had the pump turned down a bit so i am going to do some more adjustments .i have a bunch more video i have to edit and load soon stay tuned ..that was a test on the steep hill ..I have the same vid just loaded on facebook without youtube and it is going viral ..already over 10,000 views ..holy crap ..wish youtube would do that
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