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Old 03-14-2018, 08:52 PM
Zabco Zabco is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Ohio
Posts: 235
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Default Re: 3d printed parts

A 4 filament system isn't going to make your printing speed any faster. Can only use one at a time. Multiple filament systems are used when you want to print in multiple colors or use different types of filament on the same print like say a soluble filament to use as support material. Printer can only control positioning of one extruder nozzle at a time.

Two main things generally affect speed. First is layer thickness. A print at .2mm is going to take twice as long as one at .4mm because it is going to have twice as many layers. On the other hand .2mm layers will give a much smoother surface finish. Second thing affecting speed is the amount of fill. If you are printing at 80% fill you are almost printing a solid plastic part. I usually print with a 15 to 20 percent fill. With the lowboy parts, given the amount of weight they may have to carry I might go 35 -40 percent.
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