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Old 02-12-2013, 08:24 AM
Stefan Stefan is offline
Green Horn
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Near Munich, Germany
Posts: 157
Stefan is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Volvo G990 Grader

Wow, Nathan, you made me speechless for quite a while there but thanks a lot for the warming words. I´ll try to do them justice in the future as far as I can. But there are much more skilled people out there, in my case you have to attribute most of the alleged success to expensive machines and good tools. This project is the main reason I bought my mill, the lathe, the welding gear, the soldering equipment, the CAD program, and a lot of other things. I even had to buy a new PC before I could start. And don´t forget I let companies do a good deal of the sheet cutting and foundry details. If I have any particular asset it is probably patience. So, aim high, keep learning and don´t feel too humbled.

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