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Old 12-24-2015, 03:12 AM
dozerbuilder dozerbuilder is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
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Default Should I fuse a Sabertooth 2x5 ESC.

Hi guys, dozerbuilder here. Two requests for help if I may:

(1) I've got 3 sabertooths on my build, one 2x32 on the drive motors and two 2x5's, one on blade lift and tilt and the other on a 4 barrel ripper. The 2x5's operate Firgelli L16's (4 on the ripper). The drive motors and blade work fine off the Turnigy 9XR pro through a receiver wired up exactly as per DE's instructions with the dip switches set to RC mode, that is, No1 OFF and the other 5 ON.

I plugged up the ripper 2x5 (not to the receiver yet - I didn't even get around to connecting the three wires from the ESC to the RX (from 0V and S1 and S2) and the blue light did not come on but it blew the 8amp 12v 20A/H battery fuse I have in place. Searched carefully for a problem, couldn't find one so installed a new fuse and blew the fuse again. Spent several hours with test lights and could not find a problem. Connected up the 2x5 again, nothing, this time no fuse blown but the ESC is dead. I've proved it has power at the ESC + and neg on the ESC, but goes no further.

Any ideas where to go would be greatly appreciated. DE said to send it back and I have and bought another in the meantime locally to keep me going but I don't want to blow another, if I'm doing it wrong.

(2) Another question - should I fuse the 2x5 somewhere? As mentioned, I've got a fuse close to the battery -wondering if I can protect the 2x5 by fusing it somewhere? What fuse rating?

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by dozerbuilder; 12-24-2015 at 03:16 AM.
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