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Old 09-21-2013, 07:29 AM
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Rvjimd Rvjimd is offline
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Default Re: He is at it again! 1:50 Dozer Conversion

Thanks John,

I haven't had enough run time without a gearbox failure to tell how the beveled sprockets are working. I don't see how it won't help some? They way I figure it, there is less surface are and volume of the tooth of the sprocket to poke down into a link in the track chain with them beveled. So if a piece of dirt or sand or whatever is in a link, maybe the pointed/sharpened cog will ride past or cut the debris as it turns through the link?

Only downside I see could be that the tracks can now float outboard a bit due to the reduced width of the teeth.

I haven't really started looking for operators yet. I keep hoping I might find something local at a toy store. Might need to get online and order some.

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