Thread: JBC limited NZ
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Old 08-11-2015, 12:38 AM
andyathome andyathome is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Pokeno New Zealand
Posts: 384
andyathome is on a distinguished road
Default Re: JBC limited NZ

im pretty happy with my first serious truck reconstruction.
doing one bit at a time but thinking how it will all work at the end wasn't that bad.
the gate is always open to people who want to play.
its mainly shut to keep the two rotties and one stupid british bull dog from running off with the mrs shoes, or what ever takes their fancy.

took the youngest rottie for a drive yesterday, he was really excited...
not too impressed when he woke up!!!

should have been a vet , cost me the price of two semi trucks.

no more double due claws and no more dangly bits for him.

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