Thread: RCP Compound
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Old 02-16-2016, 10:02 AM
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Big Dawg On The Bone
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Default Re: RCP Compound

Originally Posted by mcl fabrication View Post
I don't know the potency of your mosquitoes bite but down here in the lower states those thing might stop a whole generation from being born. Its a making a lot of people like me think about getting away from the major population. You guys are blessed living up there in Canada.
Here is a list. Arboviral Encephalitides, Dengue Fever, Malaria, West Nile virus, Yellow Fever, Heartworm, Chikugunya, and Zika Virus. And that's just to name a few.
Really I don't Know what's worse, being greated by a bear at your front door while trying to go to work in the morning or just get sick and die. AT least you have a chance you can shoot the bear, meat and a nice new rug by the fire.
Haha, I will take my chances with the bears any day! At least most of the time they run away when they see you! You can't get away from the mosquitoes! In all reality I think we live in one of the best places in the world. No poisonous snakes, frogs or bugs. Even the number of mosquitoes aren't bad compared to other places. Just the odd critter with big teeth. The weather is mild, no snow in winter. Summers are warm but not too hot. Sure it rains a lot during the winter months but like Mike said, at least it's gone as soon as it stops! I'm not moving!lol
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