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Euro Style Trucks and Trailers A place for the Euro style trucks single and twin axle trucks and trailers...

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Old 11-11-2022, 04:45 PM
Benni Benni is offline
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Default Re: Scania 112

I came to the conclusion rather quickly that 6x4 would be a simpler solution, or at least forget the lift axle (for now, might revisit it later).
Getting rather excited to see it drive so the printer has been running almost nonstop for the last 48hrs and this is what I came up with

Don't know if there is a name for this kind of setup, walking leaf suspension thingy.
Haven't given up on making leaf springs but while still in testing phase it's easier to just print a pair.

Also put a little paint on a couple of parts, will need a few more coats and wet sanding to get rid of all the lines and imperfections.

The colour isn't exactly what I wanted but still pretty close. It's a standard rattle can colour and only 5min away so I'm rolling with it...
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Old 11-29-2023, 02:20 PM
Benni Benni is offline
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Default Re: Scania 112

Well, I took the plunge.

Since I wasn't happy with the progress of scratch building everything as my first build I ended up with buying a kit, Tamiya Grand hauler.
Not that terrible expensive and the length suits my needs.

I also ended up on drawing up the frame and crossmembers in Fusion360
https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game...d-hauler-frame <- Link if anyone wants to check out.
Just to make everything easier in the long run since I want to put my own dup bed and cab and don't want multiple holed all over the chassis.
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Old 11-30-2023, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: Scania 112

Nice, looks like that really speeds up build time!

I think there were some places that sell blank frames and printed drill-jigs, once you get all they layout finalized
What do ya mean "Cars are neither Trucks or Construction"?
It's still scale, and i play fairly well with others, most of the time...
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Old 01-15-2024, 11:49 AM
Benni Benni is offline
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Default Re: Scania 112

Building the frame took almost no time at all, when the body came things started to slow down a bit.

Since I'm not running the original body I didn't see a point in going forward,
might put it on another vehicle in the future...

Now for the biggest (so far) deviation, the original truck has a flat floor but with the gearbox in place that's impossible.
But the good news is that so far I haven't had to drill any holes to the frame, I've been able to utilize the ones that were.

The stock Tamiya wheels vs my own design

Not by any means perfect but it fits my vision. The "Wire brush and a rattle can" look. Wish I had a resin printer to get a better finish...
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Old 05-14-2024, 05:48 PM
Benni Benni is offline
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Default Re: Scania 112

The last few days have been quite exiting. (And also a bit disappointing)

A lot of testing, breaking stuff, redesigning and I've managed to get myself a working model that can be used in in light yard work.


This is still far away from being complete.
The body sits too low,
need limit switches,
the dumper lift mechanism needs rethinking, (hydraulic?)
electronic overhauling,
gear reduction,
and a whole lot of cosmetic details.

But before I can do any of that I need to fix my 3Dprinter, managed to fry the mainboard.
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Old 05-15-2024, 03:31 PM
ddmckee54 ddmckee54 is offline
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Default Re: Scania 112

Fried printer huh??? I'm not gonna ask if it tastes just like chicken.

You're not alone though.... A couple of years ago I managed to static zap the input board on my Monoprice clone of a Wanhao D6. Now I never touch any of the electronics on that machine without first touching the metal frame - since it's grounded.
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Old 05-16-2024, 04:38 PM
Benni Benni is offline
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Default Re: Scania 112

Originally Posted by ddmckee54 View Post
Fried printer huh??? I'm not gonna ask if it tastes just like chicken.

You're not alone though.... A couple of years ago I managed to static zap the input board on my Monoprice clone of a Wanhao D6. Now I never touch any of the electronics on that machine without first touching the metal frame - since it's grounded.
It was completely my own fault, was measuring voltage and the probe slipped and touched 2 pins...
But hey, always look at the bright side of things, this is a good excuse for a upgrade Just not yet.
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