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Old 07-17-2015, 10:44 PM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Found the side under run protection.

just have to be careful to have them in the right position and to stick the little pin in the right hole.

Haven't fixed it to the chassis yet. Will first sort out the wiring to get this thing running.

Till then

Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-18-2015, 12:20 PM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Wow! What a entanglement of wires, and not a lot of room. Still you are doing a great job..Can't wait for the next installment...


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Old 07-18-2015, 08:54 PM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Hi Al, lots of wires, but actually compared to the "before Kingbus" era, it's not that bad ... Before you would have all the wires from the individual LEDs and miniature lamps. Just imagine having another 20+ wires ... Seen some pictures on the German forums that give me nightmares.

Wasn't going to post until I got a working or partially working project, but would be too many pictures - already have to split this up. So here goes - a dry run on how to install this stuff.

Part 1

Before you can mess with the wiring, you need to build the box that will hold all the various bits - this in itself another marvel of engineering. (I must sound like an advert for them, but you really have to handle this stuff to appreciate the meticulous attention details)

Later in the game I found that the long screw on the right in the picture should be about 1/2mm more to the right. These screws will hold the board which all the connectors for the power.

Next the wire that connects the cab electrics (a detailed color code is provided)

An approximation on how to install it all according to the manual. (The manual provides alternatives for those people who don't use ScaleART stuff)

Lid goes on top

Battery in place

Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-18-2015, 09:31 PM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Part 2

Now time to try this on the truck with all the wires. At this point I didn't know what to do with all the wires, so I just shoved them randomly through the openings. What I noticed immediately is that, yes you can probably get the bottom plate on the chassis, but it sure interferes with the front lock/kip mechanism from the cab. Ended up trimming some from that area.

Forgot to take pics after cutting the bits of. So here some I took later.

Trimmed bit on the left side of the truck - could have trimmed of a bit more actually

Right side - had to trim at an angle because of the shape of the holder for the flat cable connector

Then on with installing it and bolting it to the previously installed holders.

Here the screw that is 1/2mm out comes into play. I already filed out the hole (needed to move the screw a bit to fit the connector board) but apparently not enough. I had to file a bit off the holder too.

Once these 2 problems are sorted, the rest just fits perfectly. Those screws "click" in those holes with authority. This just makes you forget the 2 previous imperfections. (Kind of reassuring to know not everything is perfect )

Fits nice and flush to the locking mechanism of the cabin

The idea is to feed all the cables through the opening under the electrical board, however some of my Servo wires would be too short (should have made the extension from the hydraulic valves 1 inch longer) to reach the receiver. This also creates a rather big mess in the area where the ESC is supposed to go. So decided to cut a small bit of the board. (Nothing there anyway)

Then, why not ... an ever bigger hole so I can get all the wires through except the Kingbus from the rear lights and the power from the pump.

Here all servo wires connected. Some are way too long. Need a crimping tool and plugs to shorten them (ebay to the rescue). But will do for now.

The cabin connector/cable installed and checking placement of the ESC and BEC. Lots of room really. Had to cut of on of the "feet" of the receiver to accommodate the ESC.

The flat cable split up for cutting/connecting

So that's where we are at the moment ... is 8:30 am here so maybe I can finish today.

Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-19-2015, 01:21 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Part 3

Cut some cables and soldered some others. Folded excess servo wires as best as possible until I can shorten them.

This one goes nowhere so gets cut. (I actually asked the guys at ScaleART months ago about it)

Same for this one, 2 are for sound if speaker is the in exhaust, other two not used. Haven't cut this one yet.

Installed cover, plugged in battery, couldn't lock cab until I bend the wires from the battery down.

Tested and everything works except, the left rear light the cats played with and

one LED at the front is kaput ...

High beam, foglight and other other bits work

except for the regular head light

I must have bumped the corner somehow somewhen. See paint damage. This must have put stress on he LED board what probably caused the damage.

Will also have to look into the power to the cabin ... somehow the sound isn't working nor the indicator and stand lights. (mhmm ... must be my brilliant soldering)

For the rest things are good. Haven't yet put in the oil, but I know the pump and servos are working.

So looks like I'm ordering new rear and front LEDs. By the time those arrive, I will have the crimping tool too. So will redo the whole lot at the same time.

Nice thing with the Kingbus system is that I just have to unplug the faulty one and plug in the new one. No wires to cut solder and what not


Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-19-2015, 01:43 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Oops ... reason no power in cabin and no sound ... forgot to plug in the connector Another senior moment.
Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-19-2015, 03:02 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Really loving the daily updates and what we could expect it we brought a ScaleArt kit very informative.

Cheers Tracy
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Old 07-19-2015, 06:23 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Hi Tracy ... now it will be trouble shooting though.

Even when cab connector plugged in no sound and no lights.

Green LED sound module is blinking but that's about it. Maybe I plugged something in wrong way round or so. Not the end of the world really.

As for the indicators and stand lights not working, I have to check my wiring at the "Universal Kingbus module" inside te cab.

On the other side, the LEDs at the headlights are all working now. Must be a bad contact inside the board.

Plugged the left rear light in the right rear plug and no joy, guess it is truly toast.

Meanwhile finished the fenders and attached the under run protection (absolute pain that one). Will update that tomorrow.


Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-19-2015, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Great update Stephen. Now that you have giving me my fix for the day, I can continue the rest of my day..


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Old 07-19-2015, 10:44 PM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Hi Al, your fix?!? I'm getting worried about my daily fix here ... Almost finished (apart from sorting out the niggle with the SMX and the rear light) and already suffering from withdrawal symptoms ... This kit is strangely addictive. Already been looking at the ScaleART shop and convincing myself that I can afford another one ...

Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-19-2015, 11:23 PM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Here the pictures of the fenders I installed yesterday:

Left front fender first

Per the manual cut a slot for the steering rod that runs on the left

Then shove over the support. The rear wouldn't go in all the way to the stop due to the screws holding the suspension to the chassis

A rather big hole is required as the nut needs to fit too. (Looking at the picture, it ooks rather messy from the inside ) - Same on the right side too of course.

Next rear fenders. They get screwed together as they use same middle support.

To make sure they lined up, I put 3 M1.6 screws through the indicated holes that are there for the mud flap. Where to drill is indicated on the parts

Install generic mud flap

Needed some trimming - Reason: see box in picture above with the holes indicated. Due to the form of the fender one bolt is close to the edge.

Also needed to file one of the sides of the washer so it would fit in the small area available.

Before installing run a 4mm drill through the holes to remove the small bits of plastic that might still be there from the casting. I also put a bit of silicone grease on the plastic to make it a bit easier to slide them on.

Next the under run protection ... this was a real pain. On the side of the oil tank the support touched the tank, considering the length of the screws that were with the part, figured an extra nut near the frame was in order. Up to there no problem. When trying to bolt the actual unit to the frame ... could not get a tool in there. Had to fasten the nuts with tweezers and only at the very end could use a 3mm spanner. The 2 at the bottom were an even bigger challenge. Took forever. - Hence no pictures of this ordeal.

Looking at it, I think I will take them back off. Liked it better without them.

Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-20-2015, 02:30 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Got the rear light to work - so it survived the cats dragging it around. Checked the plug and even though I marked it when I took the plug off I swapped the + and - ...

Checked the pictures I took and then the actual wiring (without taking the cab apart) on the sound module and all according to the manual ... stumped on that one.

Still have to check the indicators and stand light on the cab.

Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-20-2015, 05:01 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Not a happy camper ... started to prime the oil pump and found out one of the valve servos is not responding. Must have broken a soldered joint in the extension down the line. So repairs needed.
The other servo controlling the kipping is working fine, but even after 5 minute running the pun and moving valve back and forth no movement to be seen ... lots of gurgling going on in the oil tank though.

To make things worse, the battery in the truck ran down, tried to charge it, and the on-board plug is not accessible due to the hydraulic cylinders ...

Meanwhile, got the raised exhaust up. Painted it black and have the pipe disappear under the cabin so it looks like the actual exhaust is under there somewhere

Well that will be it for a while. Until I find a way to make a 2nd plug on the battery so I can charge it, nothing much can be done.

Guess I can start on the container. The last part that needs assembling.
Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-20-2015, 07:15 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

YES! Hydraulics work. Succeeded in getting a charge out of the battery. I put a spare nipple on a piece of hose and screwed it in the pump. Found out that the pump was sucking instead of pumping oil out. So changed the direction of rotation in the transmitter. Had just enough juice to see the mechanism go up. So much for trusting the pre-programmed settings you get with the Commander

So tomorrow have to find out why the other servo isn't functioning. Hopefully just a broken connection.
Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-20-2015, 10:57 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Now I know why I have stayed away from hydraulics You have a lot more patience than I every thought about having. Even with a degree in electronics, this end of the hobby simply makes me loose my mind. Hope you find all of the problems quickly and easily.
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Old 07-20-2015, 03:01 PM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Congratulations Stephen!! I'm getting as much joy as you are in this build..
This project is turning out great !!


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Old 07-21-2015, 03:57 AM
apfubar apfubar is offline
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Well done!

On the charge port, I would suggest checking if you can get a right angle plug of the same size... Typically they are a bit shorter...

On the sound, I am sure you will get it sorted, more than likely it is something simple... Wrong plug or wrong direction etc... There are lots of wires in these things... It's really easy to get a couple wrong first time around! :-)

Let us know if you want us to review how it is connected... Pics and diagrams will make that relatively easy...

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Old 07-21-2015, 04:08 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper


Just looked at your jumpers on the SMX...

Check the manual, on the bottom of page 9... I think you have the smx in setup mode... If you haven't changed the jumpers since you took the photo... In post #108...

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Old 07-21-2015, 07:55 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Originally Posted by tc1cat View Post
Now I know why I have stayed away from hydraulics You have a lot more patience than I every thought about having. Even with a degree in electronics, this end of the hobby simply makes me loose my mind. Hope you find all of the problems quickly and easily.
Hi tc1cat, hydraulics are simple! Should have figured it out sooner that the pump is bi-directional, after all they use the same one in the three way kipper where the pump pumps the oil to raise the dumper body and sucks the oil back out to lower it. That's why when you look at the videos the dumper sometimes goes down with little jumps.

Give me hydraulics over electronics any day! ... when they don't work it's either a blockage, a bad valve or bad pump - at least at the simple level employed in these models. You should give it a try. Only thing is that the oil seems to get everywhere ...
Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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Old 07-21-2015, 07:57 AM
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Default Re: Scaleart - assembling an Arocs 8x8 roll on roll off kipper

Originally Posted by Trucker Al View Post
Congratulations Stephen!! I'm getting as much joy as you are in this build..
This project is turning out great !!

Hi Alan ... as I said before, it makes me happy it gives you joy. One of the reasons why I decided to post this as I go along problems and mistakes included.

Not much of a fix for you today though ...

Cheers, Stephan (Rakthi is the one in the avatar)
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