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Old 04-07-2011, 03:55 PM
D8R D8R is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Pugs, I will try upload some more pictures on the 463, have some during the build.
Greg, have been counting years, now I m on months but building will slow down during summer, have to take care of my old Pete and Great Dane trailer. Still hope to have a start up within 6 months
Steve, yes it´s the lightning used that fools picture, the model is painted in new CAT color. Have learned the hard way that there´s a lot of different colors on CAT´s depending on when manufactored. I like the higway yellow very much (sofar the best one) but couldn´t paint a modern model in that. The 463 are painted in same color as D8R, that´s wrong color if it was supposed to show a new 463, but my scraper are a "hydraulic rebuilt" and then it was painted in new color scheme (just like my friend real 463).

Proto 463

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Old 04-09-2011, 01:14 PM
D8R D8R is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Pugs, as promissed, more pictures from build of 463. Built this when I had one of numerous stops in the D8 build, but this was quite easy done during 4 weekends. Opposite D8 all metal was cut by hand (plasma or cut-disk) and only drawing was a DW20/463 pic in a cat brochure that was scale up.
As with all wheeled model tyres are main problem to find. my tires was very close to size but not proto at pattern. The 463 will be hydraulic operated from D8 (have quick connections to ripper/scraper). The ripper will be on machine but shank removed when running with scraper.

The 463 was built in 3mm steel, got 2 sheets for free, they was damaged in a corner and could not be sold, ok for me!

Left side (and right side) built complete before attached to each other

Couldn´t resist to try the side with wheels

The boul basicly ready

Adding the rear with pusher plate and wheel support

The front made with it´s big tube (everything upside down on work table!)

Fresh from model factory. Cylinders was not made until a year ago, they still need the connectors to be mounted.

Some paint on it

Only picture I could find when painted and assembled. This fram a local show last year. The pallets that machines is placed on has an lenght of 4´ each, just to give an impression on how big they are. The 463 has a unloaded weight of 180lbs and should reach another 440lbs when loaded. It will be intresting to see how the D8 can load this.

Thanks for looking,
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Old 04-09-2011, 01:47 PM
pugs pugs is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Very nice looking work.
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Old 04-09-2011, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

WOW that thing grew in size quick. Looks great with the paint on it too. Cant wait to see the video's of it pulling.

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Old 05-03-2011, 05:08 PM
D8R D8R is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Started to assembly the finished parts a week ago. Got problem with return hose from blade-ripper hydraulic valves. This has to be connected to oil filter adapter first but this adapter comes rather late into the model, then it´s impossible to connect the hose to valve
Remember that I´m a office guy, have no education in metal working (well, have a 2 hour welding course 8 years ago) so it´s trail and error all the time. This is the most complicated model that I have or will build, from time to time asking my self why I choose hydraulic drive line

It´s very tight inside machine, on this picture there´s still a lot part missing. The hose laying on right track is the one that causing the problems right now. If I had mounted it ealier (or tried atleast) I have had discovered the problem much earlier. The hose was not pressed at that time, maybee that´s the reason for not beeing mounted.

Right now thinking of skipping the filter, making an new adapter that make it possible to get hose connected later on. If I go without filter I will have connectors so it´s possible to connect a outside filter from time to time to clean the oil.

Here´s the first step on assembling the model.

Front beam has rubber stops inside chassis, also rubber tubing inside the holes where side frames are connected (to make it possible to move)

Blade and ripper valves inside back of machine frame.

Tubing to blade made from brake liners. Cover above servos mounted.

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Old 05-03-2011, 05:19 PM
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

HMM, Looks like you will need to bend smaller diameter steel lines that will take up less room.
Or you could bring it with you to the USA next week and leave it with me and maybe I could fix it and keep it here for safe keeping
I promise to be sure to send pictures of it working in the dirt from time to time
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Old 05-03-2011, 06:19 PM
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Dan, you have came a ways with this project. I don't think you will have any problem loading the pan, weight is our freind in the heavy equipment world. Can't wait to see her moving and hauling some dirt. You have done an awsome job on this.
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Old 05-04-2011, 03:35 PM
D8R D8R is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Steve, have choosen rubber tubes only on parts connected to something that can flex or move, in this case, the engine and hydraulic pump assembly are mounted on 4 rubber cusions.
About your offer, is the 9W included in a trade
i think the problem will be solved, the filter will be removed and using a separate one outside machine after some running. Without a filter I will eliminate a small collision with cab floor!

Thanks Joe, nice to see you back here again, and congrates to the shared 1st place in aprils contest. Your build and videos are an inspiration source for me and others!
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Old 05-16-2011, 05:20 PM
D8R D8R is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Said it before, spring and summer is time for the 1:1 equipment but that work is a little slow right now, lacking needed workshop space. Lost parking space to for the Freightliner and Pete but looks like new ones coming
Did a new cab in thicker steel, now 1mm instead of the 0,75mm in the first one. This fraction make a lot differens to stability, realise now that some parts like roof and the side parts where doors is mounted could have been thicker, like 1,5 or 2mm. The roof still flexes when welding (i probably do something wrong but I´m learning). Sides with windows can not be thicker due to rubber used to mount plexi.
Was planning to TIG this second cab but did go with MIG again. Guess I should not been in so hurry to weld this but but now it´s done

3 different stages, first a paper mockup, then parts for a new cab and a rejected cab!

The cab that will be used in front, have also been cut on top to get right form. The cab might look square but it´s only the front that´s not leaning. There will be reinforce inside cab between side windows (there´s a little bend) to help straighten up side.

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Old 05-16-2011, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Nice parts.If you could have TIG welded the metal you wouldn't have much warping. You should get a small machine and try it some day. With the thin metal you wouldn't need a big machine with much amperage to do the needed work.
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Old 05-21-2011, 01:26 AM
Stewmeat95 Stewmeat95 is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Hello Im new to these forums. My father is a mechanic and recently build a D8 in real life from frame up. These machines are fantastic and beautiful in their own way. If you want any wiring or hose diagrams i can look at some of the manuals at the shop.

Good work Dan,

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Old 05-22-2011, 08:01 AM
D8R D8R is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Will try TIG on next model Steve, some friends using this is recommending it. Planned trip to Brownsville was cancelled Used weekend to continue with assembling machine to be ready for shows this summer. Planning to brake down the machine again before first start. Did get some hoses made in right lenght. Still missing in hydraulic system is a block recieving return oil from the 3 valves, connected to lower tank. Since filter was removed, a quick coupling is planned here to run oil thrue a extrernal filter occasional.

Have photo´s from each step when assembling, here´s some:

Rear end with brackets for ripper, rear transmissons case (dummy) with quick coupling with shut off function (don´t want to spill any oil here)

Hard time to mount screws holding hydraulic motor. Had to leave the 6th not installed, no way to find space enogh

Left control valve installed

Right control valve installed

Difference sizes used when assembling, from 5,5mm to 27mm!

Correct lenght of suction hoses to pumps tested. The flex connector between engine and pumps not installed yet.

Engine (Honda GX with cover painted black) and pumps installed

New cab with correct curved cab corner tested. Still has to be straighten up inside, roof and some sides has dents.

Can´t imaging that I´ve spent 9 years on designing and fabrication on this model. Of course, I have been less active some years but nowdays I´m putting in all spare time I can find. I´m very encuraged from comments and others builds in this forum, thanks guys Also selling off my 1:1 histrorical equipments to concentrate on model buildning.
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Old 05-22-2011, 08:17 AM
td9clyde td9clyde is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

looks great i can't wait to see this dozer pushin some dirt
I built this thing and have it working now what do I do with it?
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Old 05-22-2011, 09:35 AM
JAMMER JAMMER is offline
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Thumbs up Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

That dozer is coming along nicely it is really taking shape keep up the good work. Ed
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Old 05-22-2011, 11:03 AM
Stewmeat95 Stewmeat95 is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

*Drolling* Need a video of it running
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Old 05-23-2011, 01:36 AM
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Wow this beast is looking great. Can't wait to see it up and running as well. Wish it was here in the states to go watch.
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Old 05-29-2011, 04:49 PM
D8R D8R is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Thanks for comments, yes I would like to get it running but still parts to produce before runnable. Sorry, don´t know what "drolling" means, if it´s good or bad .
Railings on cab installed today. Was planned to be glued on but changed mind so bults and nut could be used. Still not right heads on bults, will use scale sized heads.

Tested front doors with paint, not muck of engine inside will be seen.

Did find a operator for the model, toysity had a nice head, cloths and shoes, body found at rarefiguretoys. He will arrive within a couple of weeks, guess he will help me with the interior of the cab
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Old 06-09-2011, 04:05 PM
D8R D8R is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Sometimes it can be boring to build scratch. This evening I finished a long waited part of my project, drilling all holes in tracks, 380 holes, 10mm deep, 2,6mm diameter. That´s 12 feet total of drilling depth!

When finished with bolts (don´t have them with correct lenght yet, this is what it will look like.

had some more part painted last weekend, assembling of machine will be done this weekend for a show next week. Window and door section still to be painted black. This is what it could have looked like if I had finished the model as a D8N as it was supposed to from begining. Now I plan to go for a late D8R or D8R series II.

More parts, most of them done, some need another splash of paint

Pics and a video of assembled model will be posted after weekend, but it´s NOT runnable yet.
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Old 06-09-2011, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

Wow, Lots of parts done. Those grab bars sure turned out nice.
"DROOLING" is slang meaning another person is envious of you work. Or like a dog drooling for that big steak you are eating and it looks very good to him. Our board doesn't have a "Drooling" emoticon(smiley) to choose from
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Old 06-09-2011, 08:27 PM
JensR JensR is offline
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Default Re: D8R +463 in 1/5,6

This is beyond breathtaking!
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1/5.6, big scale, cat, d8r, dozer

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